Latest From Our Creation Blog
Latest From Our Creation Blog
Pterosaurs of the Bible?
God created a variety of kinds of animals on days five and six of creation week. A pair of each kind of the land-dwelling, air-breathing animals was taken on the Ark. When they came off the Ark, they speciated and proliferated over the entire globe, often facilitated by land bridges caused by a lower sea [...]
The Lesser of Two Evils
Most of us have felt at times that we are constrained to vote for “the lesser of two evils” – the two-evil dilemma. This may be part of the reason that almost half, many say more than half, of evangelical Christians don’t vote or vote for a third-party candidate who has little chance of winning. [...]
God’s Judgment on Sexual Perversion
Scripture correlates three times in history when the severe judgment of God is upon ungodly people committing egregious sexual sins – in the days of Noah (Genesis 6), in the days of Lot in Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19), and in the day when Christ will be revealed at the Rapture to judge “defiling dreamers” [...]
The Essential Church
The recent movie The Essential Church is an excellent illustration of the conflict between church and state during the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020-21. It addresses the important issue of if and when Christians must disobey civil government. The institution we call government is one of the three main institutions ordained by God. The other two [...]
The Mother of all Lies
Denying the truth of Genesis is the "Mother of all lies." Today, our culture is full of lies and misinformation. We are fast approaching the situation in George Orwell’s classic, 1984, where the Ministry of Truth disseminated lies, propaganda and misinformation. Our information gatekeepers (mainstream media and the tech giants) are currently in league with [...]
What about Extraterrestrial Life?
Evolved or Created? We know God created two forms of intelligent life – angels and mankind. Popular science fiction adds a third form of intelligent life that evolved – extraterrestrial intelligent life (ETIL). It’s still fiction because even with all the billions of dollars spent in search of ETIL, none has been found. Christians should [...]